


1087 Riverside Dr. A
North Grosvenordale, CT 02655

Invoice Number INV-2606
Invoice Date March 27, 2020
Due Date March 27, 2020
Total Due $0.00
Strategic Auction Alliance

SoFlo Associates LLC
Strategic Auction Alliance
4000 Hollywood Blvd.
Suite 555-S
Hollywood Florida 33021
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Addition of pop up for join email list

With custom image and link out to external site
Custom scripting to allow the pop up to appear on the auction listing pages

1 Addition of event calendar plugin with auction listings

Addition of plugin and addition of auction listings
Including the creation and addition of galleries to auctions
Addition of initial organizers, categories and venues

Sub Total $400.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$400.00
Total Due $0.00