


1087 Riverside Dr. A
North Grosvenordale, CT 02655

Invoice Number INV-4096
Invoice Date May 24, 2023
Due Date May 31, 2023
Total Due $0.00
Mama Maids Cleaning Services LLC

PO Box 51
Pella, IA 50219
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Invoice: 4096 General Website Maintenance

Changing of page name from office cleaning to commercial cleaning
Changing of page name from weekly/biweekly/monthly to maintenance cleaning
Removal of pages: vacation rentals/AirBnBs, new and post construction and Pre Real Estate Listings
($50 above tasks)
Addition of more before and after photos (editing of photo sizes in photohop for web view and addition to page as before /after) $150
Editing of form to gather additional information from client $50
Cleaning Estimate Intake Form:
Number of bathrooms: Square footage(just an estimate is ok): Any glass shower doors, if so, how many?: Any tile: Any pets(if so, type and number of pets): Ever had a cleaner before: Any problem areas or special projects: How would you describe dirt level(i.e. moderately dirty from gravel road dust, keep pretty tidy, etc.): How did you hear about Mama Maids?
Cost for working on the live estimate form (time spent) $50

Sub Total $300.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$300.00
Total Due $0.00