


1087 Riverside Dr.
North Grosvenordale, CT 02655

Invoice Number INV-5025
Invoice Date February 18, 2024
Due Date June 30, 2024
Total Due $-500.00
Town of Union Connecticut

1043 Buckley Highway
Union, CT 06076

Invoice: 5025 Website Maintenance 10 Prepaid Hours

To include updates to pages, content and images
Updates to plugins, theme files and core files

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Updating of pdf on Town Clerk Page (2/5/24)

Updating of marriage worksheet
Making .pdf a fillable pdf and updating links on website in three locations

1 Website upgrade and Backup to theme, core, & plug-in files as needed monthly

For February 2024

1 Addition of page for Board of Assessment Appeals Meeting Minutes

Board Of Assessment Appeals Meeting Minutes page creation and link from Board Of Assessment Appeals page

1 Website upgrade and Backup to theme, core, & plug-in files as needed monthly

For march 2024

1 Addition of page for Committee on Aging (3/28/24)

creation of page, and addition to main nav under boards and departments
converting of .pdf document to a jpg (complimentary)

1 Website upgrade and Backup to theme, core, & plug-in files as needed monthly

For April 2024

1 Website upgrade and Backup to theme, core, & plug-in files as needed monthly

For May 2024

1 Website upgrade and Backup to theme, core, & plug-in files as needed monthly

For June 2024

1 Addition of page for 2024 Annual Town Meeting Minutes

1 Website upgrade and Backup to theme, core, & plug-in files as needed monthly

For July 2024

Sub Total $500.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$1,000.00
Total Due $-500.00