

1087 Riverside Dr. A
North Grosvenordale, CT 02655

Invoice Number INV-5186
Invoice Date November 3, 2024
Due Date November 8, 2024
Total Due $175.00
Nashua Sport Management Summit

420 S Main St,
Nashua, NH 03060
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Invoice: 5186 Website Maintenance & Updates

Make a full back up of the site including: All web site files on the server, The database in full, Upgrade to the latest WordPress version ensuring that the site design and functionality stays intact, repairing of anything broken in the theme if needed after upgrade. Updating of all plugins to the latest version: Secondary complete back up of web site after upgrade including: All web site files on the server. The upgraded database in full
Updates to pages. On the home page:
The date for the summit this year is March 14 2025
Where it says "admission includes" we can remove "entry into a raffle"
We can remove Blaze Pizza from the thank you to our sponsors
At the very bottom we can update the year to 2025
On the Panelists tab:
We have not yet set panelists yet for this year. The list of panels will stay the same, but below that can we have something to the effect of "Stay tuned for this year's panelists"?
Under the Register tab:
wherever it says that can be switched to
At the bottom of that page where it says "don't miss out" we can update that to 2025 as well.
Change to on the about the event page and the register page
The panelist lineup on the panelists page for this year is:
1. Partnerships & Sales
2. Business Intelligence & Analytics
3. Social Media & Marketing
4. Coaching & Scouting
5. Event Management & Operations
6. Broadcast & Communications

1 Did not update panelists - client will $-75.00$-75.00
Sub Total $175.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $175.00