While you cannot prevent against plagiarism 100% …there are measures that you can take to help avoid it.
We recommend adding a copyright notice on your web site on all pages as we have on ours at the bottom of each page. We also recommend that you add a “Protected by Copyscape” banner on each page as well. Copyscape is a fantastic place to go to check your web site pages and ensure that no material has been copied. Another measure that you can take is to disable right mouse click on your web site pages as to add one more level of copy protection. For those of you with a WordPress web site we highly recommend a plugin called: WP-CopyRightPro, to install this plugin simply log in to your WordPress Admin , click on plugins and add new, then run a search for “WP-CopyRightPro” and install it. Remember to always to make a full back up of your site before installing any new plug ins.