If you own a small business than you know exactly how important it is to have a website. However, you may not be aware of the fact that in order for your website to have any impact in the marketplace it needs to stand out from the competition. It’s not like the good old days when just any plain old website would do the trick. The bottom line is that your potential customers or clients will only do business with you if they believe that your company is legitimate and up to date. An up to date website design will go a long way in accomplishing that.

There are a plethora of reasons why your website may need some updates.

You may even realize this fact but simply haven’t done anything about it as of yet. If you need a push, here are a few reasons to give your business website a much needed makeover. First and foremost, if you do not have a good opt- in offer it’s time to make some changes. In essence, you website was created in order to entice your target audience to actually do something. That is why you need to have an obvious call to action on your homepage that directly aims at helping you reach a business goal.

The opt-in offer is a perfect example of this. It helps your business goal of obtaining more leads. In essence, you create something that your audience wants, such as a free eBook, and then provide them with it in exchange for their email address. When you have a name and method of contacting a potential customer or client it is called a lead. Another obvious sign that your website needs a makeover is when your visitors i.e. potential customers or clients cannot identify your brand. Your website is the perfect opportunity for your target audience to engage with your brand.

However, if you don’t have a cohesive design that helps potential customers or clients identify your brand they won’t know what your business is all about. You also need to include buttons to your social media platforms so that your target audience can get in touch with you in multiple ways. The bottom line is that your website needs to provide your target audience with something that they can easily remember you by. Your website’s navigation must also be on point. Otherwise, your potential customers or clients will leave your website and get on your competitors websites.

Think if it in the following way. You walk into a big box hardware store because you need a new hammer and some nails. There are no signs in the store, and the isles are not marked. You leave the store because you can’t find the hammer and nails very easily. You end up going to another store to make your purchase.

Your Page Today specializes in custom website design, custom website development, search engine optimization, monthly or weekly blog writing services, content management solutions and ongoing maintenance and support such as website security and data backups. Our company began its journey as an owner operated web Development Company in 2001. Back when websites were just that; web pages. With well over 18 years of hands on experience in the world of website design and development, we have the expertise to not only get your website up and running, but get it visible to those ideal prospects who ARE your target audience.

If you need help giving your website a much needed makeover, please contact us today. We look forward to working with you.