Having a good website design is crucial for your marketing efforts and vital to your bottom line. In essence, your online presence may very well make or break your business. That’ exactly why it is so important for small business owners and managers to invest in a good website design that is created by a professional. Do not fall into the trap of being tempted to do it yourself in order to save a little money. Chances are high that you do not have either the design skills or technical skills to pull off such a feat. The bottom line is that your organization’s website makes a direct impact on your potential customers or clients experience.

If visitors have a positive experience when navigating your website, you have a significantly higher chance that they will turn into paying customer or clients or leads. Website design matters because your target audience actually cares about the various design aspects that go into it. In essence, a good website design is pleasing to the eyes. People react to visuals on both a conscious and subconscious level. Your potential customer or clients are drawn to a good design. If you fail to provide them with that they will not stay on your website long enough to purchase your products or services directly, or make any purchasing decisions.

Your website is a direct reflection on your business. Think of it this way. If you owned a store that was run down and ugly the vast majority of people would not shop there. They would frequent your competitors instead. The same hold true for your website. Here’s something to think about. Approximately 75% of website visitors judge an organization’s credibility based only on the visual design of the website. That means 3 out of every 4 potential customers or clients think your business is trustworthy solely based on the appearance of your website.

On the other hand 3 out of every 4 of your potential customer or clients believe that your business is unreliable, undependable, and dishonest exclusively based on how your website appears. Did you know that it only takes visitors a few seconds to form a first impression of your small business’s website design. That means your potential customers or clients form their opinion about you incredibly fast. It also means you better have a good website design in order to make a good first impression.

So, what do we mean by good website design? In essence, all website design aspects utilize shapes, colors, pictures, and text. Some incorporate video as well. However, a good website design combines all of those elements and lays them out in a way that not only tells a story, but flows in a manner that is also attractive.

Your Page Today LLC specializes in custom web site design, custom web site development, search engine optimization, monthly or weekly blog writing services, content management solutions and ongoing maintenance and support.  Our company began its journey as an owner operated web Development Company in 2001. Back when websites were just that; web pages. With well over 18 years of hands on experience in the world of website design and development, we have the expertise to not only get your website up and running, but get it visible to those ideal prospects who ARE your target audience.

If you need help creating a website design that will attract people to your website, please contact us today. We look forward to working with you.