As soon as the latest and greatest cyber security system is put into place, computer hackers are working hard to break the code. Eventually, some succeed, which is why computer hackers can’t be stopped 100% of the time. However, a good cyber security system can stop the vast majority of computer hackers. The best computer hackers are going after the larger corporations because the prizes are bigger. So, if you own or manage a small or even mid-size business and have a strong cyber security system in place that’s constantly being updated, chances are you’ll be ok.

The computer hackers who get through the strongest cyber security systems are considered to be some of the best computer programmers on the planet. In essence, they have turned to the dark side instead of doing something good that would actually help people.  The lower level computer hackers typically go after the lower lying fruit. So, if you own or manage a small or even mid-size business and don’t have a strong cyber security system in place that’s updated on a constant and consistent basis, the odds increase that your website will be hacked.

However, a lower level computer hacker may not even bother if your security system is up to date. Even if they do attempt to crack the code, they probably don’t have the ability to do any damage.. The bottom line here is that you need to protect yourself with a cyber security system that’s strong, and is constantly updated in order to stay ahead of the hackers. You can also protect yourself and your business from computer hackers by creating strong online passwords. Change your passwords frequently in order to significantly reduce the chances of your online accounts being hacked.

Strong passwords are at least 12 characters long. They include numbers, letters, and special characters, and are not too predictable. Do not use your name or date of birth for your password. Also, stay away from common words such as “password.” It’s best to have a different password for each account if you have multiple accounts online. In essence, if one of your accounts happens to get hacked, the rest of your online accounts should stay safe.

Your Page Today, LLC can take care of all of your website maintenance for you, including cyber security.  A monthly maintenance plan goes a long way in keeping your website safe and sound.

Please contact us today for more information.  We look forward to helping you. Your Page Today LLC specializes in custom website design, custom website development, search engine optimization, monthly or weekly blog writing services, content management solutions and ongoing maintenance and support such as website security and data backups. Our company began its journey as an owner operated web Development Company in 2001.

Back when websites were just that; web pages. With well over 18 years of hands-on experience in the world of website design and development, we have the expertise to not only get your website up and running, but get it visible to those ideal prospects who ARE your target audience.