Just as offline marketing has trends that it follows so does the online marketing community. One of the most important aspects of online marketing is content, this dominating factor is carrying forward in 2019 and beyond. This blog post will cover the top marketing trends that will dominate the internet this coming year and what ones you should be focused on utilizing.

Social Media

More than just a sharing platform, social media is quickly becoming a publishing platform. Sharing on various social media platforms is the most common way for businesses to distribute and promote content and products. But platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have been moving towards becoming publishing outlets; because why would anyone leave their favorite social sharing platforms? Extending the reach of business of all sizes with articles published with the click of a button, they are reaching out to the masses and this trend is showing no signs of slowing down.

Live content and real time video streaming is opening the doors for a wider reach of content. Enabling a closer connection to your audience and personalized content with a real time interaction helping those watching to feel more closely involved even with thousands viewing all at once.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is not just becoming the standard it basically is the standard now. If your website and it’s content is not visible on mobile devices your missing the bar, and your basically invisible. With well over 41 million people in the U.S. accessing content from their mobile devices, missing the mark on mobile will really put a dent in your online marketing strategy.


It’s no longer just about optimization, it’s about conversion. Reaching out to your target audience with content relevant to what their are seeking, then engaging them with a call to action. Don’t just attract them to your website, engage them.

  1. Use your SEO data to learn how your prospects consume and engage with your content.
  2. Identify what content generates their interest and conversion results.
  3. Analyze often, because your ideal prospects’ interests can change.
  4. Consider how your ideal customers engage with different types of content across channels and devices and at different stages of their journey toward your services.
  5. Set goals for your content to increase conversions.


There was a time when a picture was worth a thousand words, now a video is worth a thousand more. More and more business are engaging their audiences with video than ever before. More importantly live video is taking the internet by storm. You Tubes 6 second bumper ads quickly became a trend, not just for those of us with shorter attention spans but for those of us that would simply click skip ad anyway. These short ads are a great way to quickly grab attention and engage the audience. If your videos are memorable and capture attention your doing something right.

Tips to Leverage Video Marketing

  • Always keep your videos in line with your brand strategy.
  • Add videos to your landing pages, your blog posts and social media mentions.
  • Experiment with different topics of interest to see what ones perform better.
  • Experiment with short bumper ads v’s longer commercials.
  • Remember to make your videos relatable so that your audience is more likely to engage.

Your Page Today is a full-service web development company serving central Massachusetts— Worcester MA, Barre MA, Holden MA, Auburn MA, and Oxford MA. Contact us today to get your website optimized and engaging your audience for 2018 and beyond!