You don’t need to be a large corporation in order to make your website as safe as possible. In fact, there are many things that you can do to help protect your assets, customer data, and employee data such as making sure that everyone within your organization uses strong passwords. However, a great deal of small to midsize business owners and operators are not aware of the most important step that you should take to prevent problems from occurring besides having a top-not cyber security system in place. The bottom line is that you need to back up your website on a constant and consistent basis.

This is due to the fact that having a recent backup of your website will help you tremendously in a great deal of nasty situations. First and foremost, whenever you back up your website it provides you with some protection against computer hackers. There are times when computer hackers will attempt to access your website in order to steal data and or vandalize it. If a computer hacker does get through and breaches one of your accounts, they may change the authorization on it in order to lock you out of the website.

The good news is that you can get back into your website by utilizing the copies you made of it. Backing up your website will go a long way in helping you gain back control in the fastest manner possible. Once you do gain control, it’s important to update your authorizations so that the computer hackers are locked out again. Making copies of your website can also fix online sites that are infected with malware. A surprising number of websites is infected with malware in some form or another. Many others are completely vulnerable to it. Computer hackers utilize incredibly complicated methods these days.

That means they can get through even if you are completely hands-on when it comes cyber security. Troubleshooting malware tends to be a bit difficult. In essence, it’s hard to know when your site is fully clean. If you fail to properly identify and fix the security breach that led to the infection, you will remain exposed. The good news is that having a backup of your website ready to go will help you clean it a lot faster. Making backup copies of your website will also protect your business against human error. We all make mistakes from time to time.

For example, you or an employee may accidentally delete a file that is important to your website. The good news is that by installing a backup copy of your website the problem may be resolved in a matter of minutes.

If you need help backing up your website in order to protect your business, please contact us today. We look forward to helping you. Your Page Today LLC specializes in custom website design, custom website development, search engine optimization, monthly or weekly blog writing services, content management solutions and ongoing maintenance and support such as website security and data backups. Our company began its journey as an owner operated web Development Company in 2001.  Back when websites were just that; web pages. With well over 18 years of hands-on experience in the world of website design and development, we have the expertise to not only get your website up and running but get it visible to those ideal prospects who ARE your target audience.