Did you know that hackers do not only attempt to break into the large websites in order to steal information? In fact, most website hacking occurs with small to mid size business websites. This is due to the fact that the fruit is lower on the branch. In essence, it is easier to break into small to mid size business websites because small to mid size businesses are not spending as much money on website security. Website hackers or cyber thieves are criminals. Typically speaking, criminals take the easiest path to accomplish their goals.

So, they tend to hack small business websites and medium sized business websites instead of large corporate websites that have security systems that are far more difficult to break into to. That being stated, every single website on the planet is vulnerable to hackers. It simply becomes a matter of making your website less vulnerable. The bottom line is that if your website is less vulnerable the chances are high that a hacker won’t bother to break into it.

We fully understand that a great deal of small businesses is currently suffering from an economic standpoint.

Website security may be an area that you don’t feel is a worthwhile investment. However, the exact opposite is true. You need to ensure that your business website is as secure as possible before investing in advertising and marketing. This is due to the fact that if a hacker does break into your website it can completely ruin your business. For example, the hacker can steal your customers or clients’ personal and financial information including their Social Security Number, credit and debit card numbers, and bank account numbers.

If that happens, your customers or clients will lose trust in you and your business will greatly suffer. Hackers can also steal your employees personal and financial information. Just imagine how upset your staff will be if their Social Security Numbers and financial information is stolen. Yet, that’s not all that hackers can do to ruin your business. They can steal trade secrets that are the lifeblood of your company. They can completely shut down all of your computer-based systems in order to hold your company hostage.

If you don’t pay them to release your system it will cost you in lost production and lost business. If you do pay the ransom it will cost you in cold hard cash. As a precautionary measure it’s always a smart idea to have your website data backed up by a professional company on a regular basis. That way a reliable source will have access to the information and can get your website back up and running if you’re hacked.

Did you know that its equally as important to back up and protect the data on your computer? If your computer becomes infected my spyware, malware or a virus, then your website is at risk for infection if you manage your website from the same infected computer!

Your Page Today specializes in custom web site design and development of websites that are secure from would be hackers!

If you need help with website backups and security for your business please contact us today. We look forward to working with you.