Did you know that monthly maintenance on websites is needed in order to ensure that your website continues working properly. In essence, it will go a long way in helping your website to run at peak performance. Websites are much like cars. Even the shiniest newest websites much be maintained on a regular basis. Otherwise, they simply will not work properly. For example, you can spend $250,000 on a brand new Ferrari, but if you fail to have the oil changed at regular intervals the car will not run right. At some point the engine will burn out and seize.

The same holds true with your website. Monthly maintenance on websites is required. That includes backups, updates, and upgrades. Security is by far the biggest reason why monthly maintenance on websites is so crucial. In essence, you need to ensure that your website is keeping up with the latest security updates and software updates. This holds especially true if your website utilizes a Content Management System or CMS for short. The bottom line is that if you fail to have your website maintained on a monthly basis it will provide cyber thieves and computer hackers with the opportunity to not only steal your data, but to crash your website.

In addition, monthly maintenance on websites is necessary for Search Engine Optimization. Google and the other major search engines actually raise page rankings for websites that are updated on a regular basis.

When your website is ranked high on Google and the other major search engines it increases the probability that it will appear at or near the top of the list whenever customers conducts searches that related to your business. That means that you need to have any broken links fixed, remove any duplicate pages, and keep the content fresh and updated. It will go a long way in driving traffic to your website. Another reason why monthly maintenance on websites is needed is it optimizes the user experience.

In essence, your website will work a lot smoother when your customer or clients visit it. That goes a long way in keeping those valuable customers or clients on your website. It is important to conduct a site audit in order to pinpoint any errors or issues that appear on your website. It is also important to remove any and all information that is out of date.

In conclusion, monthly maintenance on websites is needed for all business’s both large and small. It will improve your website’s overall performance and help ensure that your website is safe from cyber thieves and computer hackers.

Your Page Today LLC specializes in custom web site design, custom web site development, search engine optimization, monthly or weekly blog writing services, content management solutions and ongoing maintenance and support.  Our company began its journey as an owner operated web Development Company in 2001. Back when websites were just that; web pages. With well over 18 years of hands on experience in the world of website design and development, we have the expertise to not only get your website up and running, but get it visible to those ideal prospects who ARE your target audience.

If you need help with monthly maintenance on your website including updates, upgrades and backups in order to keep your business safe and sound, please contact us today. We look forward to working with you.