WordPress Tools
Great WordPress Plugins
Have a WordPress site and wane to get the most out of it? These great WordPress plugins will get your site optimized, spam free, secure and a whole lot more!
- All In One WP Migration – back up your entire site within one quick file download. This plugin will automatically add the file to your server without having to download it, but make sure you can access the server files if you need it.
- Duplicator – This is a fantastic plugin if you want to quickly and easily make a complete and full back up of your site files and database in one click! But remember to download your back up to your computer.
- IThemes Security – 30+ ways to secure your website this is a MUST for keeping your site safe and secure.
- All In One SEO Pack – Quickly and easily optimize each page of your web site and each blog post with all in one seo!
- styling, you can have the form submissions go to multiple recipients, you can redirect them to another page or just post a success message upon submission, and much much more!
- Next Gen Gallery – More than just a gallery …slide shows, multiple albums and more
- Akismet – Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. Learn How …
- Don’t let your copy get copied …We highly recommend a plugin called: WP-CopyRightPro, to install this plugin simply log in to your WordPress Admin , click on plugins and add new, then run a search for “WP-CopyRightPro” and install it. Remember to always to make a full back up of your site before installing any new plug ins.
- Contact Form 7- Great plugin for contact forms, very flexible
- Honeypot for Contact Form 7 – Keep those spammers away!
- Contact Form 7 Database – Keeps a record of your contact form submissions
How do you install Plugins?
- Make a complete back up of the site first (just in case)
- In your admin, left column, click on plugins
- Choose add new and search for the plugin you want
- Then install and activate